Lies, the gripping novel by Michael Grant, delves into a world where the line between truth and deception is blurred beyond recognition. Set in a dystopian landscape, the story follows a group of teenagers struggling to survive in a society plagued by deceit, manipulation, and the terrifying power dynamics of their own making. As alliances shift and secrets unravel, the characters must confront the harsh realities of their world and themselves. Lies is a riveting exploration of the consequences of deceit and the search for truth in a world built on lies.
Mercy –
“An electrifying page-turner! ‘Lies’ had me guessing until the very end. The story is masterfully crafted, and the characters feel so real. I found myself completely absorbed in their world. Five stars, without a doubt!”
Idris –
“Wow, just wow! ‘Lies’ is a rollercoaster of emotions, deceit, and suspense. I couldn’t put it down until I finished every last page. The author’s ability to weave such a complex narrative is awe-inspiring. Highly recommend!”
Hadiza –
“Captivating from start to finish! ‘Lies’ kept me on my seat with intricate plot twists and compelling characters. A definite must-read for anyone who loves a gripping psychological thriller.”