Lizard Radio by Pat explores a dystopian world where a teenager named Kivali, struggling with their identity, finds solace in a community of rebels. Set in a future where conformity is enforced, Kivali must navigate societal pressures, love, and self-discovery amidst a looming revolution. With lyrical prose and compelling characters, this novel delves into themes of identity, autonomy, and the power of resistance.
Hauwa –
“I couldn’t put down Lizard Radio! The blend of dystopian elements with a coming-of-age story is masterfully done. The characters felt real, and their struggles resonated deeply with me. Highly recommend for fans of speculative fiction.”
Yahaya –
“Lizard Radio is an absolute gem! The author’s vivid storytelling transported me to a world unlike any other, where characters grapple with identity and acceptance. A must-read for anyone seeking a thought-provoking and immersive experience.”